Strategy for Economics and Anthropology, by Harshika Singh IAS.

Strategy for Economics

Why Economics?
My Background in Economics and the  interest in the subject  was the most obvious reason for Economics as my first optional. I am B.A Economics(Hons) from St.Xavier’s College ,Ranchi (Jharkhand) and MSc.Economic History from London School Of Economics and Political Science,London,UK.
The Comprehensive list of the books that I followed was
For both my optionals ,I emphasized on making my concepts very clear and re-read the textbooks.I read all the books enumerated below-different books cater to different portions of the syllabus so I have enumerated all of them…

For Paper 1

Ahuja and Koutsyansis
International Economics
Salvatore basically
and for some random parts
M.C Vaish
Public finance
H.L Bhatia
Money and banking-
S.B Gupta
RBI website

For Growth and Development ,I followed Mishra and Puri .There is another book by Lekhi (this book covers the syllabus so it is bit handy)/Debraj Ray-Development Economics .I extensively used Internet for some new developments in same.

Paper 2

Indian Economy   from
Dutt & Sundaram
Mishra & Puri
Uma kapila
Extensive study of the Economic Survey
Union Budget
EPW (Economy and Political Weekly)
Any one business newspaper like ET/FE etc
The Economist
Economic times

In this attempt which was my second attempt I just followed the basic textbooks that are taught in most of the Indian Universities but in general I also kept myself updated with new textbooks and relevant study materials available on Internet of some renowed Universities around the world.

I took study materials from Brilliant Tutorials in my first attempt and RAU’s IAS Academy ,Delhi for my second attempt.This helped me to systematize my preparation according to the syllabus.

Answer Writing-In Paper 1 , I just ensured that my concepts were clear.Here I would like to admit i felt I had done relatively well in paper 1 but landed up with just 133 marks so maybe I faltered  in some way. Hence for Paper 1 , I would recommend to also go through  the strategy for the same followed by Neeraj Kumar Singh(AIR-11) . In Paper 2- I tried to substantiate my answers with adequate data’s and if possible tried to relate the said question to some recent instance /current affairs issue like this year there was a question on MNREGA rural wage hike and agriculture sector(issue on similar lines were in the news recently) .
Economics is my passion so I never considered this as just a subject per se. I enjoyed my economics preparation and religiously followed the day to day developments in world Economy/Indian Economy through Internet /newspapers and News channels.

Strategy for Anthropology

Why Anthropology
My interest in the subject was the most important reason for selecting Anthropology as an optional.I would request all the aspirants to choose optional based on interest as at the end of the day ,its “YOU” who has to sit with those books for long hours and in course of time have to start “living “ that optional as well.Availability of study materials and a background in biology also helped me in choosing Anthropology as my second optional.

The comprehensive list of Anthropology books that I followed was

Topics                                                      Books

Physical Anthropology                   P.Nath/B.M Das

Social Anthropology                     Ember and Ember
                                                        Makhan Jha
                                                        N.K Vaid
                                                       D.N Majumdar & T.N Madan

Indian Anthropology                   Nadeem Hasnain
                                                     V.S Sahay and Pradeep K SIngh

Anthropological thought            Upadhyay   and Gaya Pandey

Extensive use of the internet for keeping myself updated about any new development in the field of anthropology.

I also took study materials from Brilliant Tutorials(in my first attempt) and Vaid IAS academy,Delhi for this attempt.These materials helped me to systematise my study according to the syllabus.

 Answer writing in Anthropology- For paper 1 ,I ensured that my concepts were very clear and i was able to express and substantiate the theories with adequate presentations and eg's ...Use of diagrams wherever feasible also helped me.
For Paper 2-I tried to substantiate many answers of mine with current developments and since i belong to Jharkhand ,i have seen many of the questions asked as "LIVE examples so could add-on there as well..
I tried to re-read the textbooks as i wanted to make my concepts clear and over a period of time i started enjoying the subject very much.There were several questions this year like the one on impact of industrialization on tribals or Impact of Hindu religion on tribals -in such questions i tried to substantiate my answers with some live eg's (like i have always appreciated the fact that tribal population in jharkhand celebrate 'Sarhul" as well as holi/diwali with equal fervor so there has been beautiful enmeshing of customs and traditions )or relate them with some current issues.Over a period of time if you actually start "living " your optional, it no longer remains a mere study or exam's  part. Hope this helps.