Sociology strategy by Rahul Aggarwal , DANICS

Reading List for Sociology (Main)
Shri. Upendra Gaur’s class notes
Sociology-Tom Bottomore
Sociology-Michael Haralambos
Classical Sociological Theory-George Ritzer
Tribal India-Nadeem Hasnain
Modernization of Indian Tradition-Yogendra Singh
Changing India-Robert Stern

A few tips:
1. Refer to IGNOU notes for the new topics introduced in Paper II
2. Make sure you mention case studies in Paper II answers
3. Make good notes on topics like ethnicity, religion, caste, environment, women’s
movement, tribal movement, political parties, pressure groups, judiciary, etc. which are
common to Political Science, Sociology, GS or Essay as it’ll help you to optimize your
5. Read the questions carefully in both optionals before answering. More often than not the

second part of the questions would require a bit of original thinking beyond what you may
have prepared.
Thinkers are the backbone of sociology,so understanding is very important rather than only
specific terms.infact,after studying individual thinker try comparing it with the views of other
-use these basics understanding of thinkers in paper1 long questions,short questions.
whenever a question in paper2 permits,try using the basic thinkers name and concepts,it
makes answers more holistic.
YOJANA and KURUKSHETRA should be read by socio students,as it gives case studies as well as
rural touch to the answers.i used to collect all issues,though may not read it straight away. whenever
comfortable i used to giv one full day for yojana and kurukshetra.and friends, still in that whole day u
cant completely finish all articles thoroughly,so try to pick and choose relevant topics,make side
notes on book itself or a notebook as u prefer for value addition in the socio answers.
chronicle,dont miss out constitutional watch and international affairs for latest points.

( CASE STUDIES- basically means any specific study of an particular village or community n
evaluating it on a specific yojana on water management,gives a case study
on traditional methods of water conservation in rajasthan....ignoring the data,u can put it as
an example of how modernity has lead to neglect of these systems n may b need to adapt to
climate change may force us to revive the same...hence the social change is not
unidirectional n many factors influence the same- the point i want to emphasise is that
mould that case study to hav a sociological perspective...)
-socio as an optional can help improve score in gs, essay and interview too.just while studying
socio,try interlinking with ur gs and essay material too.few people have asked me,whether this will
make their answer in gs and essay very technical.i feel if u write in gs ,relevant sociological
arguments without mentioning scholars(unless very contemporary like amartya sen or jean derze),it
can help in better answers
-while reading hindu,do giv a thought from sociological point of view like
gender,disadvantage sections,capitalism,changing indian society panchayat
concept can very well used to enrich answer on changing pattern of indian marriage.


-read hindu newspaper editorials as model answer.
-look for the way different point of views are developed , compared and balanced.
-the words used are common ones,no flowery language in these articles.
-sentences are short and well connected. so are paragraphs.
-point to be developed is logically presented,analysed.
-ending is usually very balanced. finding some middle path between the views expressed
above.mostly ending is optimistic,though may be word of caution.
-i always look upto these articles for improving my answer writing skills.
- dont worry, if it takes your one- two hour for analysing the main editorial page. this,though may not
be done everyday, can be done once a week,for some article u find exceptionally well
written.remember, one is investing this time than wasting it.atleast i believe so.

Where to read the below two topics
RURAL AND AGRARIAN SOCIAL STRUCTURE-ya ofcourse,sir's notes ,kurukshetra n something
contemporary as studies on NREGA showing how this struc is changing n also can include point of
reverse migration due to NREGA.
SOCIAL CLASSES IN INDIA-this topic is an open one-include upper,middle(IGNOU PART2 IS
GUD) n lower class concepts,compare with caste struc, add concepts of
embourgeisement,how these classes r changing, middle class apathy towards politics,n ya
how lower class is using politics for empowerment n realising importance of investment of
educn for improving their class BOOK TO PRESCRIBE,ALMOST ALL U HAVE